
To me, writing is both an art form and a manner of play. That's why I've come up with so many funny guys.

los bichitos

These guys are very close to my heart. They're a trio of siblings - Craig, Michael, and Chelsea - that are secretly beasts of demonic origin. To the great annoyance of the demonic power responsible for their existence, they don't really want anything to do with their original destiny of becoming apocalyptic monsters.

The story goes that on top of having to deal with everyday troubles, they have to keep an eye out for demons skulking around their home and do something about it. In order to do this, they have to confront their origins and figure out how they fit into the grand demonic scheme.

Each bichito has a special demonic ability: Craig can turn into a bigger, scarier version of himself, Michael can breathe fire, and Chelsea can heal much faster than anyone else can. As they're all rather young, they haven't unlocked the full potential of these powers yet. As they fight demons, their abilities become stronger. This is a bit of a double-edged sword though, because it's a little harder to hide the fact that you have demonic powers when you reflexively breathe fire if you get a little too excited.

Lost Flats

This story is mainly an excuse for me to write about a cool evil sword. And a cool spooky desert.

It mainly follows Woe, who's a young witch and new to the town of Lost Flats. While everybody else seems content to ignore the strange happenings in the town and the land that surrounds it, Woe is not. They investigate with the company of Harley, a young werewolf, and Winslow, local omen of doom.

Their investigations entangle them in a complicated web with every little thing they learn. There are evil things out there in the Barren, rising up from below the sand and glaring down from the sky, and they're all competing to see who they can claim first.

Blood Rose and Ghost

This one is also close to my heart. In an ideal world, this would be an awesome webcomic. It takes place in a world like ours, except a little bit cooler; people can have strange powers, the power of friendship is a real and respected force of nature, and there's a handful of mad scientists on the loose.

The main characters are a pair of thieves who have powers - Blood Rose, who can control plants, and Ghost, who can turn invisible and intangible temporarily. They were both betrayed by the Crimson Dragon Syndicate - specifically the leaders, Sanguine Queen and Mother Wolf - and their mutual desire for revenge brings them together. They go on an adventure to find out what the Dragons are planning and put an end to it.

Along the way, they become best friends. An astounding feat, given that Blood Rose was previously betrayed by her closest friends and Ghost hasn't talked to anybody in fifteen years. Incredible :)

unnamed fantasy academia story

This here's my newest brain worm. It's mostly an excuse for me to try my hand at writing a slice-of-life/workplace comedy while playing around with worldbuilding and characters. I'm also trying to refrain from drawing characters to design them like I usually do, instead relying on my writing alone.

It's about one Academy of Lorecastle, which is a very prestigious magic academy. Many student mages who attend this academy learn from and go on to be highly respected wizards; but even the most impressive academic institute has somebody working administration, which is the role Tilanora Crowmere fills.

Tillie doesn't really want to work for the academy, but she also doesn't want to disappoint her family. Meanwhile, Wilbert Foxbard from their rival family has a much more high-ranking and impressive place at the academy. Tillie doesn't love this, but she also can't bring herself to care enough to do anything about it. Wilbert is disappointed that his rival is too cringe to do anything interesting.