
november thoughts and blog schemes (november 25, 2024)

it's the last few days of november, which means that the year is drawing to a close, and that's always a weird feeling.

objectively, there's nothing to feel weird about. months pass into the next all the time, as do the days and weeks and whatnot. but when it's the year doing that, it's a big deal. it's weird, isn't it? the only thing a year's got over other measures of time is that it's really long.

all the same, i've been feeling that end-of-the-year feeling. reflecting on the past eleven months and wondering about it. it got me thinking, and now what i'm wanting to do is make a sort of Year in Review blog post either in late December or early January. i've already started drafting what i could talk about in it, and i think it could be a fun challenge. some people challenge themselves to write a whole novel in a month's time, but writing about how my year has been in a month's time sounds way more my speed.

i'm also thinking about my idea of renovating the blog. what i'd like to try is using javascript to make the posts collapsible, as well as perhaps adding pictures to the average entry. i'd have to look into different formats and layouts and see what i might be happy with. i'm excited, though. it feels good to be thinking about the website again.

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