Saturday Sunrise

What is Saturday Sunrise?

The better question is "What will Saturday Sunrise be?" because um. It doesn't exist yet.

Saturday Sunrise is an idea I have for a puppet show, sort of like The Muppet Show but not really. I don't have very much planned as of now, but this is a place where I will put all my ideas that I do have.



Saturday is the main lil guy, the Kermit to this Muppet Show. They're named Saturday because I thought that'd be a fun little name for a fun little guy.

When I made the switch to the persona you see on the front page, I fully recycled the design of my old one to use for Saturday.

The character I have in mind for Saturday is that they're very curious and appreciative of the world. Both in-universe and out, they're made from the optimistic part of their creator.

Chili Cheese

He's named Chili Cheese because I was eating dinner while trying to figure out what to name him, and I happened to be eating chili with cheese on the top. The name stuck because it's just fun to say. Chili Cheese. First name Chili, last name Cheese.

He's a little spooky, and that's on purpose. He's gonna have a whole thing about how he seems unpleasant at first, but he becomes happier and more comfortable when people give him a chance and are nice to him.

Miss Chavez

Hey, that's me! Except not really. There's a difference between regular ol' Chavez and Miss Chavez.

Saturday is made by pulling from the more optimistic part of myself, the one I like better, while Miss Chavez is made by pulling from the wearier part of myself, the one I find myself being more often than not. I'm planning on the two of them having an interesting dynamic, as creator and creation go.

She's also not a puppet like the rest of the cast. She's mainly inspired by Lesley from the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared television show. Some of that inspiration has even snuck into regular Chavez, with the colorful jacket she wears. Her design is meant to be eccentric enough to be a distinct character, but also simple enough for someone to become with a basic costume.