week of feb 5th: write about what ways writing plays a role in your life-- why do you like it? is it hard? what's your relationship with it? be as abstract or direct as you'd like.
my love of writing comes from a love of storytelling, first and foremost. i can't get away from it. a lot of the time, if i'm not writing stories, i'm reading 'em or watching 'em or listening to 'em or what have you. i've always been an imaginative person, so i've always liked stories.
there's a few different categories, i'll call them, of what i write. the first, and the one i do the most, is plotting. scheming, if you will. it isn't putting words on a page, but what come before that: thinking about it really hard (and writing outlines). it's my favorite part of the creative process, when the clay is still wet, so to say. this type of writing, i can't not do it. i'm plagued by creative visions. they come to me in my dreams. it's a lot of fun!
the second type is journalling. i started keeping a journal back in 2019, and it's done me a world of good. i've always had a bad habit of letting the days melt into one another, or not really knowing myself, and journalling helps with that. it's great for someone like me who has so many words in my brain all the time. a journal is a good place to give thoughts a bigger home.
the third type is your classic prose and dialogue, and this is the type i'm worst at, to say it shortly. don't really know how that happened; i used to be really good, but i suppose i let myself get rusty. it's frustrating, being good at plotting-writing and not that good at writing-writing, because i really want to give my stories form instead of just having them remain as barebone outlines. the problem is this impatience that lurks within me. i know, logically, that i need to give myself time if i want to improve, but illogically, i want my writing to come out right the first time right now now now.
writing comes naturally to me most of the time. what's hard is being patient with myself and putting in the work to improve.
writing is a very beloved hobby of mine, and it's a big part of who i am. i'm excited to write more from these prompts and talk about 'em! i've been quite a lonely writer for a while now.