there's a fellow on YouTube who goes by Possum Pirate, and i really like his music. he has an audience of a couple hundred subscribers, and it was mostly pure dumb luck that i stumbled upon his stuff, so i'm really happy that i did find it. it kinda reminds me of what i talked about on my page about the Living Gnome Saga, about how you can make art for the sake of having fun doing it, and odds are, eventually it'll reach someone who really resonates with it.
he released an album today, which was a pleasant surprise for me. already, i've listened to it three times while i've been doing chores today. might even shoot for a fourth, i've still got plenty of laundry to do.
my guitar-learning journey has been in limbo for a long long time, but it'd be good to properly pick it up again so i can learn to play these songs. could be good for me. it also fills me with hope as a creative myself, because if one day my art can make someone happy the way Possum Pirate's music makes me happy, that would just be wonderful.